Kirimancho Shuzo (Sake brewery)

Location:3-11 Kawanoishi, Honai-cho, Yawatahama, Ehime, Japan

Phone number:+81-894-36-0146

Opening hours:8:00~18:00

Regular holiday:Sunday

The best quality Sake is produced in collaboration of carefully chosen ingredients and skills of Ikata Toji (sake brewers from Ikata region). “KIRI-MAN-CHO” was named by the first generation of our brewery Mantaro Ninomiya wishing a long life (MAN=ten thousand, CHO=long). The ingredient “Matsuyama Mitsui” grown in Ehime Prefecture is 60 % rice-polished, mixed with EGI yeast developed in Ehime, and fermented in low density. We proudly present our best quality sake completed by the experienced skillful Ikata brewers and the pursuit of contents.

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posted on March 23, 2018

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