Maruyama Champon

Location:371-9 Shitamichi, Yawatahama, Ehime, Japan

Phone number:+81-894-22-0984

Opening hours:11:00〜15:00

Regular holiday:Thursday

Since 1948 (Showa Era year 23) many Yawatahama origins come back to our place to enjoy local food feeling nostalgic.
We serve dishes made with local fish, fish cakes and vegetables as much as possible.
Our service is quite fast and always with vigorous greetings.
Delivery is available in certain areas.

Special Champon noodles, Ankake Yakisoba (fried noodles with Kudzu sauce), Ankake Chaahan (fried rice with Kudzu sauce)

Nearby Information

posted on March 28, 2018

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