Ocean Dream

Location:1584 Oki-shinden, Yawatahama, Ehime, Japan

Phone number:+81-894-36-3350


Opening hours:8:30~18:00

We process fish caught in local sea, mainly Hamo (daggertooth pike eel). The most popular menu is Hamo-katsu (deep fried breaded Hamo eel) which is crispy outside and juicy inside. Hamo-katsu-don (rice topped with Hamo-katsu served in a bowl), Kaisen-don (rice topped with seafood), Shirasu-don (rice topped with steamed small sardines), Hamo no mabushi (Hamo with spices made of Sansho, Yuzu, Mikan and Shiitake), and flakes of grilled Hamo are available. Turbo shellfish confit cooked with Sansho, truffle and basil are served at Agora Marche.

Nearby Information

posted on March 22, 2018

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